What Is Accounts Payable?

Learn what accounts payable is and how it is recorded and managed.

Accounts Payable

Accounts payable is a financial term that refers to the amount of money a company owes to its suppliers for goods or services that have been purchased on credit. In other words, accounts payable represents the short-term debts that a company owes to its creditors.


Suppose that a company, ABC Inc., purchases 500worthofrawmaterialsfromoneofitssuppliersoncredit.Inthiscase,ABCInc.wouldhaveanaccountspayableliabilityof500 worth of raw materials from one of its suppliers on credit. In this case, ABC Inc. would have an accounts payable liability of 500. This means that ABC Inc. owes $500 to the supplier and must pay the amount within a specified time period, which is typically 30 days.

If ABC Inc. does not pay the amount within the agreed upon time period, the supplier may charge interest on the unpaid amount. This can result in additional costs for ABC Inc. and can affect the company's financial health.

Recording Accounts Payable

Accounts payable is typically recorded in the "current liabilities" section of a company's balance sheet. This is because accounts payable represents the amount of money that a company owes to its creditors and is expected to be paid within one year.

In accounting terms, when a company purchases goods or services on credit, the purchase is recorded as a debit to the company's "purchases" account and a credit to the company's accounts payable account. This increases the accounts payable balance and indicates that the company now owes money to its suppliers.

Managing Accounts Payable

It is important for companies to manage their accounts payable effectively in order to maintain good relationships with their suppliers and avoid any potential financial difficulties. This may involve negotiating payment terms with suppliers, setting up a system for tracking accounts payable, and making timely payments to avoid interest charges.

In addition, some companies may choose to use accounts payable financing, which involves borrowing money based on the amount of accounts payable that the company has outstanding. This can provide the company with additional cash flow to help manage its short-term debts and meet its financial obligations.