What Is Days Payable in Finance?

Learn about Days Payable (Days Payable Outstanding) and its importance in financial analysis. Understand how to calculate Days Payable and factors affecting it.

Days Payable, also known as Days Payable Outstanding (DPO), is a financial metric that indicates the average number of days a company takes to pay its suppliers. This metric is essential for understanding a company's payment policies, liquidity, and overall financial health.

Why is Days Payable Important?

Understanding days payable is crucial for several reasons:

  • Manage Cash Flow: Helps in planning cash outflows and managing working capital efficiently.
  • Evaluate Credit Terms: Provides insights into a company's credit terms and relationships with suppliers.
  • Benchmark Performance: Allows companies to compare their payment practices against industry standards and competitors.
  • Enhance Supplier Relationships: Timely payments can improve and maintain strong supplier relationships.

How to Calculate Days Payable

The formula to calculate Days Payable is:

Days Payable=(Accounts PayableCost of Goods Sold (COGS))×365 \text{Days Payable} = \left( \frac{\text{Accounts Payable}}{\text{Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)}} \right) \times 365


Let's use Tata Motors as an example:

  1. Accounts Payable: ₹5,500 crore
  2. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): ₹33,000 crore

Using the formula:

Days Payable=(5,500crore33,000crore)×365 \text{Days Payable} = \left( \frac{₹5,500 \, \text{crore}}{₹33,000 \, \text{crore}} \right) \times 365 Days Payable61 \text{Days Payable} \approx 61

This means Tata Motors takes about 61 days on average to pay its suppliers.

Factors Affecting Days Payable

Several factors can affect a company's days payable:

  • Industry Practices: Different industries have standard payment periods that can impact days payable.
  • Supplier Agreements: The terms of agreements with suppliers can influence the metric.
  • Cash Flow Management: Companies may extend or shorten payment periods based on cash flow needs.
  • Economic Conditions: Broader economic conditions can affect a company's ability to make timely payments.


Days Payable is a key metric for assessing a company’s efficiency in managing its payables and cash flow. Keeping a close eye on this metric can help businesses maintain healthy supplier relationships and optimize their financial performance.