What Is Equity in the Stock Market? Meaning, Examples, and Significance

Learn about equity in the stock market, its components, significance, and how to invest in equity. Find out the risks and rewards of equity investment.

Equity in the stock market refers to the value of an ownership stake in a company. When you buy stock in a company, you are purchasing a piece of that company's equity. The equity of a company can be thought of as the value of the company's assets, minus its liabilities. If a company has a lot of assets and few liabilities, its equity will be high. This means that the company is financially strong and may be a good investment. On the other hand, if a company has few assets and many liabilities, its equity will be low, which may indicate that it is not a good investment.

Understanding Equity in Detail

Components of Equity

  • Share Capital: The fundamental part of equity, representing the amount invested directly in the company through the purchase of shares.
  • Retained Earnings: Earnings not distributed as dividends but reinvested in the business or kept as a reserve for specific purposes.
  • Other Components: May include treasury shares, additional paid-in capital, and accumulated other comprehensive income.

Significance of Equity

  • Ownership Rights: Ownership gives shareholders the right to vote on critical issues and policies.
  • Dividend Entitlement: Shareholders may receive a portion of the company's profits in the form of dividends.
  • Capital Appreciation: Investors can benefit from the rise in the company's stock price over time, leading to potential profits.
  • Claim in Liquidation: In the event of liquidation, after settling debts, shareholders have a claim on any remaining assets.

Example: Infosys

Let's consider Infosys, a prominent IT company listed on the Indian stock market. If you purchase shares of Infosys, you become an equity shareholder in the company. This means you have a claim over a portion of its earnings and assets. As the company grows and becomes more profitable, likely, the value of your shares will increase, offering the potential for capital appreciation. Additionally, you may receive dividends, which are a share of the profits distributed to shareholders.

How to Invest in Equity?

Investing in equity typically involves buying shares of publicly listed companies through a stock exchange, such as the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) or National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India. This process requires:

  1. Opening a brokerage account with a registered broker.
  2. Researching and selecting stocks that align with your investment goals.
  3. Purchasing shares through the broker, thereby acquiring equity in the companies.

Risks and Rewards of Equity Investment

  • Risks: The stock market is subject to volatility. Share prices can fluctuate widely due to various factors, including changes in market sentiment, economic conditions, and company performance.
  • Rewards: Despite the risks, equity investments have the potential for high returns. Historically, equities have outperformed other investment classes like bonds and fixed deposits over the long term.


Equity in the stock market is a way for individuals to partake in the ownership of companies, offering both opportunities for substantial rewards and risks. It's advisable for investors to conduct thorough research or seek financial advice to tailor their investments according to their risk appetite and financial goals. Equity investments undeniably play a crucial role in building wealth and contributing to financial health over time.