What is meaning of term "Market Capitalization" in stock market?

Learn about Market Capitalization, its significance, and how it is used to classify companies based on their size and stability.

Market capitalization, often referred to as market cap, is a measure of the size of a company. It is calculated by multiplying the total number of shares outstanding by the current market price of a single share. In other words, it is the total dollar value of all of a company's outstanding shares. For example, if a company has 1 million shares outstanding and the current market price of each share is 10,thecompanysmarketcapwouldbe10, the company's market cap would be 10 million. Market cap is commonly used to classify companies as large, medium, or small, and is a useful metric for investors looking to compare companies within a particular industry.

Understanding Market Capitalization


The formula for calculating market capitalization is:

Market Capitalization=Current Share Price×Total Number of Outstanding Shares \text{Market Capitalization} = \text{Current Share Price} \times \text{Total Number of Outstanding Shares}


  • Company Size Classification: Market capitalization categorizes companies into different tiers such as large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap, reflecting their size and stability.
  • Investor Perception: It offers investors a quick way to gauge a company's size and the potential risk and reward associated with its stock.

Categories Based on Market Capitalization

  • Large-Cap: Companies valued over ₹20,000 crores, perceived as stable and safe investments.
  • Mid-Cap: Companies with market caps between ₹5,000 crores and ₹20,000 crores, known for their growth potential and moderate risk.
  • Small-Cap: Companies valued below ₹5,000 crores, seen as the most volatile with potential for significant growth.

Example: Infosys

Assuming Infosys has a current share price of ₹1,500 and there are 2 billion outstanding shares, its market capitalization would be:

₹1,500×2,000,000,000=₹3 trillion \text{₹1,500} \times 2,000,000,000 = \text{₹3 trillion}

This positions Infosys as a large-cap company, indicating its substantial size and market value.

Importance of Market Capitalization

Investment Strategy

Market cap plays a crucial role in investment decisions, helping investors:

  • Diversify their portfolio by including companies of different sizes.
  • Assess risk and growth potential based on the size of the companies.

Economic Indicators

  • Large-cap companies often serve as indicators of the economic health of a nation or specific sectors.
  • Changes in the aggregate market cap of companies listed on stock exchanges can reflect overall market trends.


Market Capitalization is a critical concept in the stock market, offering insights into a company's size, the potential risk of investment, and its economic impact. Whether for portfolio diversification, company analysis, or market trend assessment, understanding market cap is essential for investors navigating the stock market landscape.