What is Offer for Sale (OFS) in InvITs?

Learn about Offer for Sale (OFS) in the context of Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs), its benefits, and considerations for investors.

To understand the concept of an Offer for Sale (OFS) in the context of Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs), it's important to first grasp the basics of what InvITs and OFS are, independently, and then look at how they intertwine.

Understanding InvITs

Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) are investment instruments that work somewhat like mutual funds for infrastructure projects. They allow investors to put money into projects like highways, power plants, or bridges. Here's what makes InvITs special:

  • Income Generation: InvITs are designed to provide a steady income to investors, mostly through dividends. They're attractive to those looking for long-term, stable returns.
  • Infrastructure Focus: By funneling investments into infrastructure projects, InvITs offer a unique way for investors to contribute to and profit from the sector's growth.

Understanding Offer for Sale (OFS)

Offer for Sale (OFS) is a simpler concept. It's a mechanism through which promoters of publicly traded companies can sell their shares to the public. This is typically done to meet regulatory requirements or dilute promoter holdings. Key points about OFS include:

  • Simplicity and Speed: An OFS is a quicker way for promoters to reduce their stake, often completed in a single day of trading.
  • Regulatory Compliance: It's a common method used to comply with minimum public shareholding norms set by market regulators.

OFS in the Context of InvITs

When you combine OFS with InvITs, you're looking at a scenario where the promoters or major investors of the InvIT decide to sell their stakes or a part of it to the public. This can be done for various reasons:

  1. Dilution of Stake: Promoters might want to reduce their holdings to diversify their portfolio or for personal financial reasons.

  2. Regulatory Reasons: There might be regulatory mandates requiring a certain degree of public ownership.

  3. Capital Freeing: Selling a stake can free up capital for the promoters to invest in other ventures or pay off debts.

Benefits of OFS in InvITs

  • Liquidity: OFS in InvITs can enhance liquidity, making it easier for new investors to enter.
  • Transparency: The process is regulated and transparent, ensuring that new investors get a fair chance to invest.
  • Diversification: For the original investors/promoters, it provides an opportunity to diversify their investments.

Considerations for Investors

While investing in an OFS for InvITs, investors should consider:

  • Understanding the Asset: Knowing the infrastructure projects within the InvIT is crucial to assess potential returns.
  • Regulatory Framework: Being aware of the regulatory environment for InvITs can provide insights into future stability and income generation potential.
  • Market Conditions: Economic and market conditions can affect infrastructure projects and, by extension, the performance of InvITs.


An Offer for Sale in the context of Infrastructure Investment Trusts represents a unique opportunity for both the current holders and potential investors. While it serves as a mechanism for promoters to divest their holdings, it also opens doors for investors seeking to enter the infrastructure sector with relatively stable, income-generating assets. Like all investments, careful consideration and understanding of the underlying assets and market conditions are advised before participating in OFS for InvITs.